This is a blog about our road down infertility. I won't be graphic in my posts but I won't be shy either. Reader beware.

Friday, April 5, 2013

You Are Not Alone

I am so grateful for the many responses I've gotten from friends, family, and even strangers. I feel really loved and really supported and I feel blessed that I'm able to offer advice and encouragement to other women in the same boat I am in.  I even caught myself today saying a quick prayer thanking God for the opportunity I had to help other people and that other people could learn from my experiences, and then I gave an incredulous (inward) laugh because I realized that in essence I was thanking God for my experience with infertility! I am truly grateful, though, to be able to see in part how my trial is a blessing.

Right now, I want every woman reading this to know that you are not alone.  Even if I am the only other person you know who is experiencing this heartache, you are not alone.  This has been a long road and I've experienced many emotions. There were many days where I was bitter.  There were many days where I was jealous. And I'm sad thinking about all the times I questioned God and felt like my personal injustice was so incredibly unfair.  What did I do to deserve this? And even when I realized that it was pride and that  I was so proud as to think that I was above mortal trials, I still would have days where I struggled with just not being bitter. But every time I repented and turned to the Savior for comfort and for solace, He was there. Every time. 3 Nephi 22 started to stock my shelf of favorite scriptures:

"With everlasting kindness will I have mercy on thee."

"For the mountains shall depart and the hills be removed, but my kindness shall not depart from thee"

And John 14:27 was on constant replay in my mind:

"Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world giveth, give I unto you.  Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid"

But there were other emotions. I felt so guilty. I couldn't give my husband something that would be so wonderful and special, something that would make him so happy. Again, I felt inadequate.

And sometimes I was mad. When they learned I had no children, people I had just met would make some statement insinuating that we were selfish, or would inform me that we shouldn't wait very long. And then most of the time they would walk away. There it was.  I wasn't worth a conversation anymore because they disagreed with my supposed policy on waiting to have children.  I got so caught up in being angry at their judging that I failed to notice the obvious lesson. If anything, I should have learned how easy it is to judge incorrectly, and how hurtful quick judgments can be.  My friend Sarah reminded me today that "in the quiet heart is hidden sorrow that the eye can't see". My heartache should have made me more sensitive to others who were quietly suffering, but I was too focused on being offended.

I hope that my experiences will not only comfort those who are faced with the same trial, but will raise such an awareness that others may be more sensitive of this topic and more aware of the hidden sorrow others are harboring.

I don't want anyone to feel that I'm being preachy.  Mostly, I just want everyone to know that they are not alone.


  1. It is always so refreshing when I stumble upon someone else struggling with infertility. As horrible as that sounds... It's just good to be reminded that I am not the only one... And even though everyone else is figuring it out and getting pregnant while we still aren't... It'll be okay in the end.
    Russ and I have been trying for 3 years and it's been incredibly difficult. We have experienced such a broad range of emotions. Our fertility specialist is all about getting pregnant naturally so I'm on an insanely healthy diet and am supposed to be exercising daily (that has yet to happen consistently...) which we're grateful for since we don't have the money for any procedures right now! That is super crazy how quickly they jumped right into with you. Good luck! I look forward to hearing an announcement!

  2. Lauren, I think that even it's awesome how you can still see beyond your problems and understand other people's ideas and think of what you can gain from whatever horrible and awful experience you have. I love you and keep praying for you and Felipe so that your hopes can be filled. I love your posts too.

  3. Love your wisdom and maturity Lauren. You are such a humble and strong person and I am glad to know you. Also, I love your and Felipe's tongues-sticking-out picture. You guys just look so great together!

  4. Michaela, I absolutely know what you mean. People seem to be having babies left and right and it is refreshing to know that some people have the same trial of no babies. Three years is a long time! We're almost at the two year mark and hope we don't hit three. I hope you guys have success! I'm slightly jealous or your fertility specialist...I'm secretly afraid I'll give myself cancer from the onslaught of hormones I just put in my body. Good luck to you two!!

  5. Carolina, don't be too impressed! It's been almost two years so I've had a lot of time to ponder and mature, and I still have days that get me down. Thanks for your prayers. I hope we get to see you guys soon!

  6. Sarah, I adore you! I'm so grateful for your love and support. I can't wait to see you all!

  7. Lauren,

    I had no idea what you were struggling with until I read your posts here. I won't even pretend to have any idea of what you are going through, but I forwarded your post on to some friends who have had similar experiences. You will be in our prayers. We love you guys!

    1. Thank you! I hope they all have babies now and have some fantastic advice for me :) Thank you for the support and love! It means so much to me.
