This is a blog about our road down infertility. I won't be graphic in my posts but I won't be shy either. Reader beware.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

IUI or, in other words, The Big Day

Yesterday we did the IUI, or intrauterine insemination. Felipe did his thing and then an hour later we went back for the actual procedure. I was in the exam room, half naked, for a full half hour before the nurse came in.  At first I was annoyed, but then I was grateful that I had that time to calm myself down and just prepare mentally for everything.  People kept telling me that if I was stressed the IUI wouldn't work, so I stressed myself out trying not to be stressed, and then was stressed when I realized that I was stressed from trying not to be stressed. So the half hour was good for calming my nerves.

The nurse brought in the sperm in a big long tube and had me verify the names printed on the label.   She wanted to make sure we had the right "donor". I suppose it would be "fun" to give birth to a black or Asian baby, but Felipe Portus was the name on the label so I'm sure we'll be fine. The procedure was a little uncomfortable, but nothing like the HSG, for which I was grateful. She did have a hard time getting the sperm tube in, saying something about my cervix leaning, so she had to get a different tool.  They had me lay on the bed for 10 minutes following the IUI and instructed me to have sex that night and following morning as well.  They also prescribed yet another hormone, Progesterone, that I'll take for the next 2 weeks.

And now we wait.
Wait and
and wait.

In two weeks I'll go back in and they'll do a blood pregnancy test.  If positive, HURRAH! If not, we start all over.

Last night I bought three baby outfits.  I couldn't help it! I'm excited, but don't want to get my hopes up because I don't want to be picking up too many pieces if the blood test is negative.

This will be a long two weeks.


  1. Hi, my name is Abbie and I don't know you, my friend just liked/shared your blog on fbook, but my heart goes out to you and your husband. I'm so glad you have a doctor that you like and is taking you seriously and that you have hope. I feel like with Pregnancy, wherever a woman or couple is at with it, all bets are off, and there is just no way of knowing what kind of experience you will have. I am expecting my first, and had horrific/traumatizing morning sickness and it just really stinks to be outside the "norm" of what pregnancy seems to be, or to have any kind of complication. My sister-in-law and good friend both struggled with infertility, and they had to go to some extra measures to become pregnant, and they were both successful and I hope the same is true for you. I'm sending you all my positive thoughts and prayers and hope it all works out. I don't know if any of this was the right thing to say, but I appreciate you sharing your story, and love the design of you blog. :)

  2. Thank you so much! How exciting that you're expecting; I hope you can start feeling less sick. That must be awful. We'll take all the positive thoughts and prayers we can get :) Thanks again for your kind words and good luck with your first!

  3. A friend shared you blog with me. From what I have experienced and seen many friends experience your clinic seemed very proactive from the start. Many start with just a standard IUI so it's nice to see they started with a medicated one first, just to give you a better shot at the start.

    We experience Male Fertility issues and had to go right to IVF, 3 IVF's have brought us 2 wonderful children

    I wish you the best of luck!

    1. I super hope we don't have to do IVF. It would be years before we could afford it. I'm really happy you got such good results from it though! I'm really glad I found this clinic and hope for the best. Wednesday's the day we find out....fingers crossed!
