This is a blog about our road down infertility. I won't be graphic in my posts but I won't be shy either. Reader beware.

Tuesday, April 16, 2013


It's really rare in life that a person can pinpoint a day in the future as a day that might hold such significance in their life.  You can plan your college graduation and your wedding date but beyond that, there isn't really much we can plan in terms of life-changing events.  Most of our life's big moments just happen and we work it out as best we can, whether good or bad.  But tomorrow's the day I've been looking forward to and also dreading for the past two weeks. Tomorrow I'll go in for a simple blood test and then a stranger will tell me yes or no. That's it. Not a lot of hype for such a significant event. I've convinced myself that I'm not pregnant, not this time around.  I don't fill one bit different, not sick at all. I've also had some really faint spotting, a tell-tale sign of impending period doom.  It's physical clockwork, the monthly in-your-face insult that you are not pregnant.  It's bad enough that I have no baby in my arms, I also have to endure the monthly pain and discomfort.  It's like adding insult to injury.

But there's still hope.  There are always things I can do, even if it's just repeating what I've tried in the past.  If I'm not pregnant this month then we'll go through the same schedule again; the shots, ultrasounds, and popping hormones. And then another IUI. If the IUIs don't work after a couple cycles, we're going to move forward with LDS Family Services and their adoption program. They sometimes take years to place a baby so why not get started now? And why is adoption so very expensive?  There are so many unwanted pregnancies and neglected infants. I want to tell all the mothers considering abortion that not only are they taking away their child's life, they are taking away the chance for a man and a woman to be a father and a mother. I would be that mother. I would take their unwanted child.

So here's to tomorrow.  Whatever may come, I pray that I will not be bitter and that I won't be too disappointed. I pray that I can look forward and keep hope alive in my heart and I pray that I can have the courage to try month after month until we can finally complete our family. And while I'm at it, I might as well secretly pray that somebody will leave a baby on my doorstep (and that, miracle of miracles, the police and DCFS will allow me to keep him).

And for those of you who may be wondering, we did try to be foster parents a little over a year ago.  It was such an awful, horrendous, insulting, painful experience that we probably won't reconsider that approach until we have moved to a different state, since the rules and regulations vary so drastically depending on the state you're in.

So wish me the best of luck! And be assured that my favorite shirt is clean and ready to give me all its luck tomorrow :)


  1. Good luck, Lauren! I truly wish you and your husband the best. Having gone through some very similar things this past year, my heart feels for you. You're in my thoughts!

  2. Thanks! Isn't this the worst? How I wish there really were a stork to bring me my baby! :)

    1. That would be nice! We haven't really announced this yet, but some of the tests worked for us and we're actually expecting now. And although we're thrilled by this news, it took a lot of emotional nights, lots of prayers and blessings, lots of doctor visits, lots of mocking periods, and lots of lessons in trusting in the Lord's timing before any results. Now I'm feeling more grateful to have had this experience so I can truly appreciate the blessing of children instead of taking advantage of it like a lot of people seem to do. I can see the love you have for children and your selfless desire to be a mother in your posts, and I know Heavenly Father will bless you for it. Things always seem to work out better than what we've planned. :) I hope you get good news tomorrow, but if not, I'm sure it's coming soon! Keep up the wonderful posts!

    2. Super congratulations! And I feel that way too. At least, I hope I'll feel that way. I hope I have a deeper love and appreciation for my children after all the work and tears and hope and prayers it will take to get them here. I hope I can remember this experience whenever I'm at wit's end with them ha. Thank you for your kind words and again, congrats! Woohoo! I love success stories :)

  3. Lauren,
    My mom used to be an adoption agent for LDS Family Services. She has since started her own practice as a Marriage and Family Therapist... BUT I can't tell you how many times she would come home and tell me these wonderful stories of people adopting. It is an amazing thing. Obviously, having your own child is amazing too BUT I just wanted to share :) GOOD LUCK!!!

    1. Thanks! Ideally, I'd love to adopt and have natural children. Whatever way it happens, we hope for a baby soon!
