This is a blog about our road down infertility. I won't be graphic in my posts but I won't be shy either. Reader beware.

Tuesday, April 30, 2013


I never thought I would get so excited about the size of the follicles in my ovaries.  What an odd thing to get excited over! Trying to conceive is truly a whole other world.  I went in for another ultrasound today to measure the size of the follicles in my ovaries and schedule our second IUI. They have fancy new tv screens hooked up to the ultrasound machines so the women can see the picture of the ultrasound from the comfort of their stirrups.  Unfortunately, the one in my room wasn't set up all the way yet so the nurse was a little more descriptive than I'm used to and it all facilitated my question asking, which was great.  The biggest follicle in my right ovary was only at 12 (mm?), which is too little. The clinic wants to have the follicles be at least size 18 (which was all I had last month), so I was a little nervous that I wouldn't produce any quality eggs this cycle, but then she checked my left ovary and lo and behold TWO mature follicles, ready to burst.  They were at 26 and 20.5 and I got so excited, silly me. Follicles tend to grow 1-2 (mm?) per day so now I'm getting nervous that the 26 will be too big and just turn into a cyst.  There's always something to be nervous about.  But at least I'll have Mr. (Ms.) 20.5! The IUI is scheduled for tomorrow afternoon.  Let's hope one of Felipe's MILLIONS of sperm can hit the mark and do the job and that 26 and/or 20.5 are receptive and good hosts.  Why yes, please, I'll take twins.

I had another happy surprise when I stopped by billing on my way out and was told that I have a -$230 balance on my account. Turns out I paid a bill that was covered by insurance so I have $230 credit and didn't have to pay the $85 for the trigger shot I brought home today.  If large follicles don't make you happy, then surely you can appreciate a surprise $230.  Fantastic.

1 comment:

  1. Hooray for two!!
    When we finally conceived our baby, I had FIVE on my now-missing ovary. That made us a bit nervous: five?? Thankfully, we only ended up with ONE child. :) Apparently, for IVF, they try to get at least twenty to "harvest." Can you imagine?
    Oh, and the follicles have to be in millimeters; your entire ovary is only 2-3 cm.
    I'm so glad the nurse was answering your questions this time. The whole process is so darn complicated it's amazing anyone gets pregnant EVER. Let us know how things turn out for you after two weeks!
