This is a blog about our road down infertility. I won't be graphic in my posts but I won't be shy either. Reader beware.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Take Two

And let it begin....again. Here we are for take two.  I had what they call a baseline ultrasound today. Honestly, I don't really know what they check.  I know they do the baseline at the start of each cycle and the ultrasound tech stands there and measures many different things.  I think that they check to make sure I don't have any cysts, check how many follicles I have in each ovary, and check my uterine lining. I saw a new person again today.  It's a little annoying that I keep seeing different people, and that they don't ever tell me their names.  I feel a little bit like I'm in a factory, just going down the assembly line and everybody gets a chance to prod me.  They are all really nice and proactive, which I appreciate, but I'm always going from person to person and feel like I don't have a clear picture of what's happening.  I ask a lot of questions but sometimes I don't know enough about the subject to even know what to ask.

For this cycle it seems that the only difference is that I'll be taking Femara for the next five days instead of Clomid. I am grateful for that because the dumb Clomid was giving me hot flashes...I didn't appreciate that glimpse into menopause!  The nurse told me that they switched me to Femara because my uterine lining is thin and Clomid has a side effect of working against the estrogen to make the lining thinner.  I'll do the Bravelle injections on Saturday and Monday and hopefully this time around it won't take me a full half hour to gather the courage to jab the needle into my stomach.  I wasn't a huge fan of that, although it was a little amusing to hear Felipe keep asking "Did you do it yet?" from the other room. He was too squeamish to watch...good thing we'll have 9+ months to work him up to being able to be at the delivery ha!

I go back next Tuesday for another ultrasound and will most likely do the IUI on the following day. I am grateful that there's not much time between the pregnancy blood test and starting treatment again.  It makes me feel like I'm working towards being pregnant without many days after finding out to stew over the negative blood test.

Positive thought: At least if I get pregnant from the IUI I'll know that the contributing sperm was the cream of the crop!

1 comment:

  1. I finished my letter for you! It's a whole 6 pages, sorry. But I'm condensing 5 years, so...

    Also, I really FEEL for you about the Bravelle. We did that, too. The needle's not the terrible part, it's the BURNING of it as you inject. Ugh!

    Best wishes and hopes! Fingers crossed! I'm sending my letter via Laura Jones.
