This is a blog about our road down infertility. I won't be graphic in my posts but I won't be shy either. Reader beware.

Thursday, April 4, 2013


I absolutely hated the HSG (hysterosalpingogram). I think my experience was worse than most, so don't panic if you have one in the future.  The point of this test is to see if there are any blockages through your uterus and ovaries.  They insert a catheter way up you and then release dye, all the while watching its progress on a monitor to make sure the dye can travel through your tubes unhindered.  Not a terrible procedure but Dr. Conway had a hard time seeing one of my tubes, some sort of problem with my cervix.  I was managing the discomfort just fine until she told me that she'd have to insert something else into my body to help stabilize my cervix.  Keep in mind the speculum and catheter were already having a party in my body, so space was limited. This is where the death started.  It was all I could do to keep myself from telling her to pull everything out and stop.  The only prep I had for this procedure was that it might be "a bit crampy".  Oh, crampy I was!  She had to reposition the tools a couple times and each time I felt like a water balloon that had burst.  By the time she was done and I was able to sit up and dress and clean up, there were puddles of fluid on the exam table, the stool, and the floor. They told me to expect some cramping over the next few days as the dye was absorbed by my body. The whole thing was painful, but at least it was relatively quick.  I don't think it took longer than 15 minutes. I did bleed a little after, but they told me that was normal.  At least we were able to rule out any blockages, as everything was clear. I'm glad I won't have to go through that experience again.

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