This is a blog about our road down infertility. I won't be graphic in my posts but I won't be shy either. Reader beware.

Friday, March 28, 2014

Happy Two Months

Happy two months to my Phillip boy! He's getting so big and can no longer be considered a newborn.  He's definitely turning into his own little person.  He's also over 12 pounds now, just 2 pounds lighter than his 7 month old cousin haha.  And at last measuring, he was 5.5 inches longer than he was a birth. Felipe attributes Phillip's growth to my "nuclear breast milk". In any case, he's getting big.  He's wearing mostly 3 month and 3-6 month clothes.

As to new things, he just recently started drooling.  He doesn't drool a ton, but it's certainly there.  It's also common to see him sporting a spit bubble.  He's also started recognizing when he's being put in his crib (and crying because of it) and also recognizing when someone is coming into his room to pick him up (and stops crying). It's fun to see him more aware of his surroundings.  He spends a lot of time moving his fist in front of his face and staring at it the whole time, and he now coos at inanimate objects.

He will also coo at me and Felipe and loves being sung to. He loves being engaged and loves when we make eye contact with him.  He's also rubbing his eyes now when he's tired. He's certainly developing his little personality and I love it! We're still working on the whole sleep thing though.  That's tough. I wanted to end the co-seeping business because I just don't sleep very soundly with him next to me, so we're putting him to bed each night in his crib. It's definitely a gradual process.  I put him down between 7 and 8 each night and he'll usually stay asleep. If not, then it takes an hour of work and then he'll stay down.  He usually sleeps until around 11-midnight and I feed him again.  On good nights he goes back to sleep and wakes up to eat every 2.5-3 hours.  Usually, though, he does not go back to sleep and I feel like a jack in the box, getting in and out of bed.  He falls asleep easily but wakes back up as soon as we put him back down.  It can get very frustrating, to say the least. But we'll get there!

He has a lot of nicknames right now but the main ones are teeny-tiny, son-boy, and Phillip-boy. He just sure is great! Overall a very smiley, happy baby.

These are 0-3 month pants. So cute but so small for him now!

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