This is a blog about our road down infertility. I won't be graphic in my posts but I won't be shy either. Reader beware.

Wednesday, June 26, 2013

Double Digits!

Ten whole weeks! I'm in the double digits and a fourth of the way done.  What a great week! Although I'm ready to just have my baby here now.  Everybody says to just enjoy being pregnant...what's not to enjoy about constant fatigue, nauseu, and random and sporatic pain? I'll just take the baby, thank you. I'm hoping the second trimester is as good as everyone says.

I had an ultrasound last Thursday that I've been meaning to post about but we were moving Thursday, Friday, and all day Saturday and then we didn't have internet until Monday.  But life is getting more settled again so here we go: the ultrasound was fantastic!  I also hope it was my last transvaginal ultrasound; I'm ready for the machine going over my stomach, thank you very much.  My doctor (who I've only actually seen once) was on maternity leave so I saw Dr. Foulk.  I wasn't really looking forward to him doing the ultrasound but he was so friendly and nice and professional that I didn't really care.  I think it just made Felipe uncomfortable that it was a man this time haha.  We got to see the little thing squirming about and then he was kicking his leg all the while.  It was so fun to watch him move.  The dr asked me who my OBGYN was which is a bit of a problem since I don't have one yet. I have decided that I want a midwife but I'm still switching sides on whether I'll deliver with a midwife in a hospital or go to a birthing center. I really didn't think the dr would go for that so I somewhat reluctantly told him I wanted to go with a midwife but didn't have one yet and I was pleasantly surprised by his reaction.  He gave me the name and phone number of a midwife he recommended and told us which hospital she'd deliver at based on our insurance.  He was really helpful and I was really grateful. I was also relieved that he didn't try to make me feel dumb for wanting a midwife, which was refreshing.  I still need to call her but don't really feel much of a rush since there's not much anyone can do about baby yet.  There doesn't seem to be much point until I'm further along.

I love the picture we got at the ultrasound.  He looks like a stubby little gummy bear with T-rex arms that aren't good for anything.  Enjoy!

1 comment:

  1. Definitely a gummy bear shot! Love it! Looking perfect! Good job, momma!
    Don't worry about not loving every moment of pregnancy. The whole double-occupancy thing was pretty unpleasant for me (as you know). When you can feel him/her moving, it's pretty awesome, too. And I mean in both the good and bad ways.
    Also, know you are lucky to get multiple ultrasounds so early; most women get just one or two the entire pregnancy (can you believe it?!). We kept all our ultrasound pics and used some of them for the beginning of our baby's photo album. I'm no scrapbooker, so we just have an album. And during the 3rd trimester they give you 3D ultrasounds, which are worth looking forward to!
    As for birthing, I say do what feels right. Your mommy instincts have probably already kicked in, so you'll know what's best. :)
    Hang in there!!
