This is a blog about our road down infertility. I won't be graphic in my posts but I won't be shy either. Reader beware.

Monday, June 10, 2013

Baby Portus, I love you already.

Ultrasound #1 is in the bag.  And there's a real baby there! It's truly there.  When the tech started the ultrasound I kept trying to spot two little babies in there but there is just the one. And honestly, I'm thrilled.  Just to have it healthy and growing tickles me pink. I was a little disappointed that I wasn't having twins, but it's the kind of disappointed where you get a $20 Barnes and Noble gift card instead of $25.  You're still thrilled and just have to remind yourself not to get greedy.

The ultrasound tech was so super nice and also happy with us.  She pointed out little baby's flashing heart (which I honestly couldn't really see, although Felipe and the tech could-lame) and then she turned on the sound and we got to listen to the little heart.  Could anything be more miraculous? I can't even imagine all the complex things that have to go perfectly for a new, living person to be born, and yet it happens all the time.  No better evidence for a divine Being.

We did some measuring and the tech kept saying everything was "perfect".  The baby's just floating around in there, bobbing with its yolk sac, but beware child! It will soon get very crowded.  The little thing's heart was beating at 160 bpm and it really was just an awesome experience to hear.  Also, turns out that I was spot on with the due date.  January 22, 2014-on Wednesday I'll be 8 whole weeks.  The baby is 13.7 mm long, actually he's the same size as he is in his picture. So tiny! And yet so nauseating. But I love him.

To my surprise, they scheduled another ultrasound next week.  I'm usually all about declining unnecessary medical procedures, but how could I say no to another quick peek? I wish I had an ultrasound machine at home and could just have a look, willy nilly. They called this next one my "graduating ultrasound".  That's the last (hopefully) I'll see of them, and now the journey's on to find someone to deliver my baby. Enjoy the picture! The head is on the right and the ball on the left is the yolk sac.

1 comment:

  1. Aren't ultrasounds the best? :) I'm happy for you, Lauren! And hang in there as far as nausea goes. I hit 15 weeks and it was like magic: gone. 2nd trimester is awesome!
