This is a blog about our road down infertility. I won't be graphic in my posts but I won't be shy either. Reader beware.

Wednesday, June 5, 2013

7 Weeks Down

*This post will have a part it. Dad, I'm warning you now.

Being 7 weeks pregnant is fantastic.  Being any day pregnant is fantastic.  Admittedly, there are times where I may not whole-heartedly believe that, but remembering the sorrow from not being able to conceive puts me right back in the proper frame of mind. I almost wish everyone had to work hard to get their baby so little precious children could be more appreciated. But let's not get into that issue.

Most of my stress and concerns for the last few months were focused on just conceiving.  I had a vague idea that as soon as I conceived, stress and worry would fly out the window; I would be in happily ever after land.  Not so. It was just like a shift in my mindset, a literal 'out with the old, in with the new'. Every single worry was replaced with something like 'what if I miscarry', 'what if it's ectopic', and my current concern of 'how can I push that monster out of such a tiny hole?'. I'm going to take a stab at a life lesson and guess that no matter where you are in life, there's always something to worry about. I can't get around it, I guess.

Things were just great, though, being pregnant, until week 5 and 4 days hit. Cue the instant nausea. I know I've been really lucky; I haven't thrown up and the nausea hasn't been debilitating, but it's still not that fun.  I can't tell if it's let up the last few days or if I've just started to get used to it.  My nose is super sensitive so that contributes to all nausea as well. I can't open the drawer that my oils are in because they're too potent, and just looking at Felipe's dirty lunch containers makes me want to vomit.  The down side of that is that they don't get cleaned because dishes are not really Felipe's strong point...I wonder if my mother has started wondering yet where all her tuperware has gone.

I've also learned that sleeping/lying on my side makes me nauseous.  So I have to sleep on my back.  Which I hate.  Also, kissing my husband is nauseating.  A thousand good jokes could come from that, I know, but it's the sad truth. Even just little pecks make my stomach churn. Which is super odd.  I better tell him before he reads this post so he doesn't have his feelings hurt.

There are so many things about being pregnant that you just have to experience, and things that people don't ever tell you. (Dad, this is the part you should skip)  For example, sex-or any intimacy-HURTS.  Major time. I had no idea this was a thing and the first time the pain hit I thought I (or the baby) was dying.  I couldn't even get off the bed.  This is called curl-up-and-don't-talk-to-me pain. I'm so glad we don't live in the middle ages (or the 60s) and can talk about these sorts of things. I talked to my sister and looked it up and apparently it's not uncommon to have shooting death pains after intercourse.  Apparently orgasms cause uterine contractions...who knew? That was a big shocker to me. I have strong feelings that this is not the end of the pregnancy surprises. If there's anything else I should know, speak up!

(Dad, you can come back now.)

I feel like there is one major hurdle right now, and that's the ultrasound on Monday.  There are a thousand 'what-ifs'.  What if a baby didn't start developing? What if it's ectopic? What if I have a rare condition that makes the baby grow super fast and then die? It just spirals downward from there.  I'm not too concerned about that last one, but I'll still just breathe a huge sigh of relief if the ultrasound shows a healthy, developing baby. Until the new worries hit, of course.

Until then, I will continue on my diet of grapes, string cheese, pretzels, and applesauce.  The four main food groups. Surely they contain all the nutrients I need...


  1. Yes, there are a LOT of things about being pregnant that no one tells you. It's not all fun and games. I assume you'll have a pretty "normal" pregnancy, in which case I'd highly recommend a book such as "What to Expect When You're Expecting," which will cover a lot of those surprises so you can brace yourself for them and know you are going to be okay. I'd also recommend, which will give you a week-by-week update on how the fetus is developing. Very cool.
    I won't give you any advice, because my pregnancy was so atypical I hope you have NONE of my experiences. :)
    I will say that the doctors and ultrasound techs will never cease to be impressed that you know the EXACT day of your conception; usually they measure by the first day of your last period. :) You'll blow them out of the water.
    Oh, and make sure they print as many pics of those ultrasounds as possible; you're going to want them, trust me.
    So glad to hear your nausea isn't out of control. Still, being any kind of sick is no fun at all. We're actually contemplating trying to get pregnant again, and I think that's the part I dread the most.
    Take a prenatal vitamin if you can. I couldn't stomach the extra iron, but any good vitamin will do, and I found the gummies the easiest for me. Oh, and ginger ale and ginger snaps actually do wonders for alleviating nausea.
    Good luck! Keep us all updated!!

    1. Oh, and if it helps, we went my entire pregnancy with no sex at all, due to several complications. And then a while afterwards, while I healed from surgery. You'll find out faster than ever that there's a LOT more to a good marriage than sex. :) It will feel strange at first, because that's all you've done for the past years trying to conceive, but you'll get used to it. I felt guilty the whole time (poor husband!) but it turns out they can totally handle it, so don't stress! They'd much rather go without than cause you pain.

    2. I'll have to try the ginger snaps. And I wish you ALL the luck in the world with baby number two, however he gets here. I hope that goes well for you, keep me updated! And don't worry, I've definitely been using babycenter, although it just makes me want the days to go by faster ha. The vitamins I take don't have any iron, which I'm glad of. I don't want to try that if I'm already nauseous.

      And you're absolutely right-it's such as gear change to go from crazy go-go-go sex to nothing. I can't even stomach kissing. But baby is worth it! I can't wait to hear how things go for you guys.

  2. I agree with Hannah on babycenter. Its a bit addicting, but I joined the birth club and there is an app for your phone as well. Very handy and great info gets posted by other moms and you!!

    I'm trying to remember all the things that happen when you're pregnant that no one tells you about. One thing weird, you get pregnant nose and I don't mean sensitive to smell. I mean big swollen pregnant nose. You'd think the baby was coming out of there. My nose got so big and its starting to again now. Butt cheeks start to hurt, its more about your hips widening and preparing for baby, but you can feel the pull in your cheeks. :) Um.....bloody gums, when brushing your teeth or flossing, you'll find your gums bleed a lot more. This is totally normal as well. And I have to agree with you about the sex, while I didn't feel the agonizing pain afterwards like you did, during it felt like it was my first time ever. You won't have to worry about that soon because your sex drive will go down the drain. Poor Felipe. haha. Even after the baby, it takes a long time to get your sex drive back. I feel there is so much more, but can't think of them now. I will message you each time I think of a "things no one tells you about pregnancy".

    So I will leave you with this...stop worrying, cause that won't get you anywhere, enjoy every moment of pregnancy, even the bad ones, cause it really does fly by quickly, try to be nice to Felipe even though at times you may want to strangle him (guys just don't get it sometimes) ;) and when the baby comes, don't listen to anyone, but your instincts. DO WHAT WORKS FOR YOU!!!!!

    Talk soon!

    1. I think that nose thing is so funny! Super sucky for you, but I've never heard of that before. What an odd thing. I hope it doesn't get that bad this time around! Thankfully I haven't really had mood swings or random crying yet, but I'm sure it'll come. And I love your advice to listen to my instincts. I definitely want everyones input but I'm going to do what I have to do. Also, I'm so jealous you got to find out the sex so early!! I can't wait to hear the name and to see cute Lincoln and baby pictures!
