This is a blog about our road down infertility. I won't be graphic in my posts but I won't be shy either. Reader beware.

Friday, May 17, 2013

This is called: I still can't believe it!

Everyone has been so patient and waited longer than expected to hear the news of Wednesday so here it is: I'm pregnant! Can you believe it? I sure can't. We had a surprise trip planned to visit my Dad and family this weekend and wanted to tell my Dad in person that I was pregnant, so the blog update had to wait.  I promise that I wanted to tell the world, and now I can. I'm pregnant!!!  When I got the voicemail on Wednesday I listened to the first bit, just because I didn't recognize the number and wanted to make sure it actually was the clinic that called.  So I got to hear "Lauren, this is so-and-so from the Utah Fertility Clinic..." and then I hung up the voicemail call.  Her voice sounded so sad! I was sure she had bad news.  Felipe finally came home and we listened to the voicemail: "Lauren, this is so-and-so from the Utah Fertility Clinic.  We got the results from your blood test and they were positive.  Lauren, you are pregnant." At which point I paused the recording and burst into tears and hugged Felipe for all he was worth.  Apparently in my jubilee I smacked Felipe in the side of the head, but he stoically bore the pain until the moment had died down.  What a trooper ha.  We listened to the rest of the voicemail, just details about calling her back and scheduling an ultrasound.  I really couldn't believe it.  I was speechless. I always thought being speechless was somewhat of a hyperbole, something that just happens in books, but I was really quite speechless.  I could only get out a few disjointed words. And I wanted to tell the world!  We left to go tell my sister, but she wasn't home.  We ran into my Mom and told her and then left to find my sister and her husband and then started to tell all the people we could tell in person.  It's still so unreal!  That night we bought tiny Martinellis and had our own little celebration and then watched Psych, of course.

Yesterday we flew to my Dad and I still have to take the Progesterone (until week 9), which has to be refrigerated, so we walked around the airport with a cup of ice and a huge RX bottle, mooching ice off of random overly-priced restaurants.  I also did some reading up on TSA's huge body scanners and decided to opt out, which made for a very nice groping session, but the personnel were really professional and kind (except for when I took my flip-flops off of the conveyor belt-you'd have thought I was wielding a knife by the way they reacted).

I'm due January 24th and the ultrasound at the fertility clinic is scheduled for June 10th, right after I'm 7 weeks.  The nurse said that my HCG levels were really good and at the high end of things at 350, so I'm just going to take that as another sign of twins.  It would be so great!

My heart really hurts for everyone who will read this and just feel bitter and left out because another woman got pregnant and they did not.  I guarantee that's how I would feel if the roles were reversed.  I know that pain is real.  There's nothing more to be said that hasn't already been said, and no more words of comfort left. I hope everyone will have their day, and I hope and pray that I actually am pregnant and that the ultrasound is positive and doesn't leave me in tears, but if not I have a testimony of faith and the comforting power of the Holy Ghost and the healing power of the Atonement.

For now, I'm just going to be thrilled and grateful each day for the poppy seed sized miracle inside of me.  Get ready, world, here comes baby Portus!


  1. I am extremely happy for you! Congratulations.

  2. Congrats, Lauren!!! That's so awesome!

  3. Wahoo!!! Thank you for sharing your struggles with all of us. We are all just as excited as you are about it. :) You should continue posting regularly, since now you've got quite a following wondering how your pregnancy is progressing.
    For now at least, celebrate!!! And my Korean sister-in-law translated for me, "This is when they say See beautiful things; Eat beautiful things; Do beautiful things."
    You've made it so far! And you've done so with so much strength and grace.
    If you ever need to vent a bit about how pregnancy actually IS less fun that you'd dreamed, you can still call on me. :)
    My best wishes that this pregnancy go as smoothly and happily as possible for both you and your hubby!

    1. Thanks! I was debating continuing the blog or just ending it here, but I think I'll keep it going and if people aren't interested, they don't have to read ha. I'm not feeling sick yet but I don't dare complain about anything, not after all of this and finally being pregnant while so many are still sad. But if I do ever need to vent, maybe I'll just email you privately :)

  4. Hi Lauren,
    I was just surfing the net and came across your blog! Thank you for sharing something that is completely personal and hard with the rest of the world. It really helps those of us struggling to know we aren't alone.

    Congrats on getting pregnant! What an amazing blessing!! In some ways your struggles were worth it and in others a great way to torture your future kiddo ("do you know what I had to go through to get you and you give me that kind of attitude...") :-) jk

    My husband and I have been trying for years to get pregnant but found the Utah Fertility Center and love them! While we haven't had success yet; they have been the greatest help!! I am so glad you found success with them!

    Good luck in your pregnancy!

    1. Oh isn't it just the best to know you're not alone?! It's still hard and sometimes awful but at least you know you have company ha. I wish you all the luck! I was pretty impressed with that clinic and I hope they continue being a good help for you two.
