This is a blog about our road down infertility. I won't be graphic in my posts but I won't be shy either. Reader beware.

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

2 Servings of 2nd Trimester Next Time, Please, and Hold the First

Depending on which pregnancy app I go by my 2nd trimester either starts tomorrow or started last week.  Either way, I am loving it. It's so refreshing to want to eat again and I'm amazed every day at how much better I feel when I can actually eat.  No more headaches? Great. Energy? I'll take it. And it's an added bonus that I'm no longer ready to vomit at the smell of the lunch of somebody sitting two rooms away.  Why does smelling have to be enhanced when you're pregnant? Why can't we have super vision instead?  I'm really getting into the grove of being pregnant now and I can really sport the hair-tie-holding-your-pants-up fashion statement.  I haven't gained any weight yet, not even one pound, but my pants are so tight that I'm only comfortable when I use a hair tie through the button-hole.  And this is definitely cheaper than maternity clothes, although maybe not the most stylish.

I finally found a provider for my pregnancy, which is no small feat since my insurance is switching in November and I had to find a provider who would take both insurances.  Unless I end up hating their guts after a few appointments, I'm going to go with the midwives at the Central Utah Clinic and plan on delivering at American Fork Hospital.  I'm going to call them tomorrow to set up my first appointment.  I feel like this is going to make my pregnancy real. Bring it on!  I'm not too happy about delivering at American Fork because my greatest desire (ok, besides having a healthy baby) is to give birth at a birthing center.  Everything about them just appeals to me and there's even one close to my home that I like.  But my gut is saying no so I'll go with my gut.  Maybe it'll work out for baby number two.  What appeals to me about American Fork Hospital is they have external fetal monitors so I don't need to be hooked up and confined to the bed during labor and they have been rated one of the best hospitals in my area to go natural.  They also have jacuzzi tubs (surprise! I'm a bit hippie) and I'm all for relaxing my body and easing the pain (sans drugs).  With a birthing center you can go home hours after birth, which is what I want, but I may need to eat that desire with a hospital birth. I'm just going to have to remind myself that the end goal is a healthy baby and in the great scheme of things an extra day at the hospital or a redundant PKU is not going to ruin my child nor my life.  My goal, though, is to get in, get out, and live happily ever after.

As for the gender, we're going to just pay $25 at a nearby clinic and have a gender ultrasound in two weeks.  If baby is too shy at 16 weeks then we'll just pay again and go the next week.  I feel like this is a great deal.

My only complaint these last few weeks is that my metabolism seems to be all screwed up.  I've always been one who's had to snack throughout the day to keep myself going but now I have to be CONSTANTLY snacking to stay comfortable.  The other day I told Felipe that I was so hungry that I was starting to sweat and I was surprised that he was surprised; I definitely thought that was normal. If I go longer than 45 minutes without a snack I go shaky and sweaty, which is really starting to be a pain.  And you would think my body would be considerate enough to give me a gradual build up to hunger but no, hunger will come out of nowhere and hit me like a freight train.  I'll be just fine and then bam-I'll be almost doubled over with hunger pain.  It is really so much fun.  I would still take this over the nausea, though.  And also over not having a baby. I just can't imagine what it'll be like when the baby is big enough to take all my food.  I will probably be big as a blimp with all the food I'll have to eat.

Fun fact: baby is now developed enough to pee inside my uterus. So that's great. Everyone says it's so wonderful to feel their baby move but I'm actually not looking forward to that.  I feel like I have some sort of parasite inside of me and the thought of feeling it move creeps me out. And I'm not even going to dwell on the peeing.

We have our favorite boy and girl names picked out and in two short weeks we will hopefully know which name will be gracing our child.

Farewell, nausea. Second trimester, I love you.

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